Friday 14 June 2024

Ant Hills

Some old pastures and just a succession of anthills and their size can indicate the time that the field has been pasture as they grow very slowly in height each year. Whilst the anthills in the meadows here get knocked down each year when the hay is cut the ones outside the meadow are left to grow in size and I would estimate they add an inch or so in height each year or maybe a little less. They are formed by Yellow Meadow Ants. One side benefit is that we get regular visits from Green Woodpeckers whoc come to feed on the ants. The photo is one on the side of the drive.

Monday 10 June 2024

Bee Orchid

For the third time a single Bee Orchid has appeared in the piece of grass above the South Field. The first one was in 2017, the next in 2021 and now one in 2024. This one is tiny and it is a feature of the Spotted Orchids this year that many are on the small side. It must be a weather effect I think. This year's Bee Orchid might be on the site of the one that appeared in 2017. It's difficult to be sure.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Collapse of Orchid population

Perhaps that is too apocalyptic an opinion of this year so far. Here are the stats. Orchids recorded as of June 6 - 170. Orchids recorded in 2023 by June 6 - 477. We are at 36% of last year's figure (so far) and that is after 11 years of increases every year. We went on to record 945 Orchids last year so using the same stats we might get to 340 or so which in effect takes us back to the 2020 numbers. I have no clear idea of why numbers should have declined for the first time but one important factor must be the rabbit population which is at an all time high here. There has been no mixamatosis for a few years and the rabbit population has soared and you can see that much of the field now has a much shorter sward. Deer populations have also increased substantially and they regualarly graze the fields in numbers. However I now have two deer and rabbit proof areas and even here I would say that orchid populations are down from last year so it may be that weather is also a factor. I am confident that populations will recover and look forward to breaching the 1,000 orchid mark soon. Graph at the top shows total orchid numbers up to 2023 and the total so far in 2024.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Swallows hawking over the West Field

It's been a number of years since Swallows last nested in our barn and there's been a definite decline in the number of Swallows seen in the village. It was doubly cheering therefore to see a pair hawking here yesterday.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Cow Wheat in Manor Wood

A great show of Cow Wheat next to the main track in Manor Wood.

Large Grass Snake

Unfortunately deceased but an impressive animal at 33 inches long. Also check out those tiny teeth. This is the second time I have found a dead grasssnake here. The first time in 2022 I had seen the snake alive in the field and the next day something had predated it. This time the snake was near the barn in the rough lawn we have and whilst it clearly had a wound it was difficult to know how it got there unless maybe a Buzzard had dropped it. A Buzzard had been around the last few days but they usually get harried by the Crow owners of this place so that is one possible explanation.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Flower update

It now looks like it's going to be a very poor year for orchids - the first year that numbers will be going down and not just down but way down. Unless things change of course and the weather tempts them up. I'm guessing it must be weather related but I don't see why lots of rain would keep orchids underground. Strangely enough a plant that does love the damp, Lousewort, has also appeared very differently this year. It spread from an initial few flowers about ten years ago to such an extent that it covered large areas of the West Field last year. This year it seems to be occuring in small patches but over a wider area. Not only right at the top of the West Field but also a couple of patches in different grassy lawn areas - in other words the first time I have seen it outside the West Field. I can only observe the flowers - I can't explain what happens! Photo is some Lousewort near the house.