Sunday 13 October 2024

Waxcap #9 - Scarlet Waxcap

The Waxcap action has been slow this year here but here is one of the regulars - the Scarlet Waxcap (Hygrocybe coccinea). It is fruiting in the East Field but the photo is an old one as the sheep or other animal had trampled these ones.

Monday 7 October 2024

Sheep back on the meadows work

We didn't manage to get the sheep here last year for the first time but we have five hard-working Jacobs Sheep doing some aftermath grazing this year. Of course we also have deer and rabbits grazing so between the lot of them the job should get done. The grass is more plentiful than last year partly because of weather and partly because I cut a little earlier so the grazing is definitely needed.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Waxcap #8 - Pale Waxcap

An old photo as the specimen was damaged. Interestingly it was in the lawn area near the house where increasingly I'm finding waxcaps in the last few years. This area is getting slightly different treatment to the fields with very little cutting taking place as the rabbits keep the sward shortish. The key point is no nutrients or chemicals so the fungi thrive.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Waxcap #7 - Meadow Waxcap

I expect there will be hundreds of these soon but here's the trailblazer. The first Meadow Waxcap of the season in the East Field.

Friday 13 September 2024

Waxcap #6 Citrine Waxcap

Quite a few around as usual although this is apparently a rare to occasional Waxcap. I have to look closely to check whether a specimen is a Citrine Waxcap or a more common Persistent Waxcap but a greeny tint to the cap and similar to the whitish gills does distinguish it as the Persistent Waxcap is usually yellow in both cap and gills. Old photo as the fruiting ones today were looking well past their best.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Waxcap#5 - Golden Waxcap

They have been around for a while in ones and twos but are now fruiting in large numbers in the East Field. Probably the most common Waxcap here although the Meadow Waxcap which fruits later has similar numbers.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

White Spindles (Clavaria fragilis)

Several clumps of this fungus in the West Field a couple of weeks ago. The first clavaroid of 2024.