Sunday 30 June 2013

New Species - Marsh Bedstraw

As with the Ragged Robin I found a couple of days ago, this is another species I wasn't expecting to find here as I associate them with wetter ground. It was a struggle to identify it as according to my flower books the plant had some features of Heath Bedstraw and some features of Marsh Bedstraw. However the 'Flora of Monmouthshire' sorted it out for me. Apparently the typical Marsh Bedstraw found here is Galium palustre ssp palustre whereas there is also a Galium palustre ssp elongatum which is slightly different and was confusing the issue.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

New Species - Ragged Robin

I was surprised to find a solitary Ragged Robin in the least diverse of our four fields. I think of this as a flower of boggy and shady areas but here it stands pink and proud in the centre of the field.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Common Spotted Orchids

2013 is turning out to be a good year for orchids here at The Beeches. In 2011 we had a grand total of 14 orchids and last year only 11. This year we have reached a total of 30 Common Spotted Orchids and so that is definitely satisfactory progress towards the vision of meadows drenched in orchids. The surprising things is that one meadow has shown no significant change in numbers and the other has an increase of more than 400%. The first field has gone from 8 flowers in 2011 to 6 and then 7 this year. The other has gone from 6 orchids to 5 in 2012 and this year has 23 specimens. Of course these are small numbers so we can't read anything into them but it will be interesting to see how the numbers change over the next few years.

Friday 14 June 2013

Fallow deer

Normally they are fairly skittish and don't hang around to be photographed but one came by the house today and was obliging enough to have its picture taken. I was happily watching it browse on the trees in the garden but will be very cross if it has trampled any of the orchids.

Thursday 13 June 2013

New species - Slow Worm

I have seen probable evidence of slow worms before - round holes in compost heaps - but I saw one live for the first time a couple of days ago. I lifted up a large bird bath to find one resting below. I hastily put the bird bath back and got my camera hoping that the lizard would kindly remain in place. Alas it merely left me a wriggling tail and had slunk off to grow a new one.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Woodpeckers like suet

A new visitor to our suet balls is a Greater Spotted Woodpecker who makes short work of suet placed in the feeder and also makes a lot of noise about it. I find myself being woken sometimes not that long after dawn by the woodpecker's visits. A couple of days ago I heard a loud bang on the window of the room I was in and going outside found the woodpecker stunned on the ground, having flown into the window. It recovered after half an hour or so and seems none the worse for the experience. It is back eating through the suet again and I have just re-ordered supplies.