Friday 27 February 2015

First badger sighting

Despite having moved here nearly two years ago my only badger sighting was a dead one that mysteriously appeared on a verge in the centre of the village last year. yesterday I caught sight of the first live badger about a mile from the house. It was a fairly small badger and of course it decided to run in front of the car before eventually veering off into a field. I look forward to seeing one actually in our fields........

Saturday 21 February 2015

First moth of 2015 - Dotted Border

The first moth of the year turned up sitting on the window a couple of days ago and I managed a quick photo which has allowed an ID. It turns out to be a Dotted Border (Agriopis marginaria)identifiable by its dotted border unsurprisingly. Interestingly I know the moth was male because the female is flightless and hangs around on tree trunks. This is a new species for the site although a common moth.