Thursday 29 March 2018

Remember what the dormouse said.....

Not only do we have dormice here but now we have a white rabbit as well. We have seen several pure white rabbits half way up the lane where they have lived wild for a number of years. Now a young one has appeared here so I suppose the genes are spreading. We find in hard to believe it isn't a serious survival deficit being so visible at night but the evidence is pointing otherwise. Depending on your cultural references this either makes us a Lewis Carroll wildlife site or a Jefferson Airplane one.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Dazed Nuthatch

We try and prevent bird collisions with our windows through the use of stickers and other obstructions but they still happen from time to time. Nuthatches are in potential danger due to the speed of their flight and I guess their long large beaks don't help if they do hit glass. Luckily for this Nuthatch the consequences were not too bad - he staggered to his feet fairly quickly and was able to fly after 10 or 15 minutes.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Frogspawn at last

The pond was created in 2014 and I was expecting to find frogspawn because I used to see a lot of frogs around. Finally in Year 4 there is frogspawn - four clumps of it. Actually I saw markedly fewer frogs in 2017 so this is a surprise. I'm hoping for grass snakes now there is a food source for them but I am not sure how they might find one small pond far from other standing water.