Monday 30 April 2018

The first of the orchids

It's that time of year when the orchid rosettes appear and I have seen the first seven of them today. The target to beat from last year is 131 Common Spotted Orchids and 7 other orchids (5 Broad-leaved Helleborines, 1 Bee Orchid and 1 Heath Spotted Orchid). the photo shows two rosettes very close together.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

New Species - Common Furrow Bee

Probably. I am not 100% on this having just delved into lots of new technical terms and a complex key in the 'Field Guide to the Bees of GB & Ireland' but the small dead bee I found inside the house looks like a female Common Furrow Bee Lasioglossum calceatum) to me. Luckily the distribution and flight season fit nicely so I think I'll go with that ID.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Pleated Inkcap

First proper grassland fungi record of the season here is the Pleated Inkcap (Parasola plicatilis). It is very similar to the Bald Inkcap (Parasola leiocephala) and I can't tell the difference without some expert help. It is pretty ephemeral lasting a day or so.

Monday 16 April 2018


Wood-Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) is a delicate flower that just about hangs on in a couple of shady areas on site. Under the Oaks and Larches in the East Field I spotted a small group of about five flowers amongst the similar looking swathes of Wood Anemone that dominate in this area.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Oak Beauty

Not found on site but in the village hall - presumably attracted by the light. It was a bit scruffy but I am pretty sure that this is a male Oak Beauty - the colourings and markings on the head which are white and black, together with the general pattern on the wings with two broad brown bands give me confidence of the ID.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Second pond

There is a tiny intermittent stream fed by a spring which runs to the side of the house. With the success of the larger pond out in the fields I decided to create a small second pond near the house. For ease I bought a preformed pond and have installed it although I wasn't able to dig as deep as I wanted so it is a bit obvious at the moment. It will be interesting to see what wildlife moves in. As before I shall add nothing - except to provide a feed from the tiny stream.

Saturday 7 April 2018

New Species - Treecreeper

Unfortunately this new species was found dead on my patio. It must have flown into a window despite all the markings we put up to stop that happening. That's two dead birds and one dazed Nuthatch so far this year. It is a common species and I have assumed that there are Treecreepers around but this is the first one I have seen here. It has a beautiful curved bill and amazing feet - all the better for clinging onto bark I guess.