Wednesday 16 January 2019

New Species - Scarlet Elfcup

I have seen this before but this is my first record for The Beeches. It is the Scarlet Elfcup (Sarcoscypha austriaca) which occurs on damp and rotting wood. In fact there is apparently a Ruby Elfcup which is rarer and is indistinguishable in the field. I found out from the excellent web site 'First Nature' that looking at the hairs on the outside of the cup at 400x maginification is a way to distinguish between the two species. The Scarlet Elfcup has coiled hairs and the Ruby Elfcup straightish hairs. My specimen has coiled hairs and so is confirmed as Scarlet Elfcup.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

First deer of 2019

I haven't seen any deer for a while but a single Fallow Deer turned up the other day walking daintily down the steps in the back garden. I have only ever seen Fallow Deer on site though Muntjac and even the occasional Red Deer have been seen locally.