Saturday 28 September 2019

Waxcaps #12, #13 and #14

Three more made their appearance here today, the Meadow Waxcap, the Blackening Waxcap and a welcome return for the Yellowfoot Waxcap (Cuphophyllus flavipes). One of many waxcaps that have a straightforward ID feature - this time it is the yellow base to the stipe that gives it away.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Southern Hawker

The Southern Hawker has been seen at the pond ever since it was first dug. The distinctive territorial behaviour was on show today. They approach quite aggressively when you near the pond edge and I am unclear as to what advantage this tactic achieves given the disparity in size between them and a large mammal.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Waxcaps #9, #10 and #11

Three in quick succession and all in the East Field and they are good ones. First up was a small group of the Goblet Waxcap (Hygrocybe cantharellus) (photo above) then I spotted a faded Honey Waxcap (Hygrocybe reidii) whose smell gave it away and lastly a welcome return for the Persistent Waxcap (Hygrocybe acutoconica). I'm feeling psoitive for a good waxcap season ahead.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Waxcaps #7 & #8

Two more for the list this year here and #8 is a favourite. #7 is the Spangle Waxcap (Hygrocybe insipida) which being small and making a brief appearance can be missed and #8 is the delightful Orange Waxcap (Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens) (photo above).

Monday 9 September 2019

Muntjac Deer

No photo but I saw my first ever Muntjac deer yesterday. It was not on site but just outside the village and seen when driving home around 10:30pm. Until this year I had only seen Fallow Deer here in the Wye Valley but with a Roe Deer on site earlier in the year and the Muntjac we are up to three species locally. Other people have seen Red Deer in the Wye Valley (some were 'dumped' in The Forest of Dean in 1999 and have moved around since) but I am not sure exactly how close they are to here.

New species - Speckled Bush Cricket

I see a lot of Dark Bush Crickets but this is the Speckled Bush Cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) which is a new record for me helpfully posing on some Ragwort close to the house. Identification was greatly helped by the site which lists a test for this Bush Cricket using a bat detector.

Friday 6 September 2019

Waxcaps #5 & #6

We're up to 6 on the waxcap front with the addition of Butter Waxcap (Hygrocybe ceracea) and Pink Waxcap (Porpolomopsis calyptriformis) (Photo above). Both were in the West Field. Meanwhile whole troops of Golden Waxcap are appearing in the South Field.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

New fungus species - Blusher

Some fungi starting to fruit now including this new species for the site - Blusher (Amanita rubescens). They are apparently the most common Amanita species but I had not seen one until recently. It was fruiting underneath a Beech tree on the wooded footpath through the site. Also fruiting in grassy areas today are Pink Domecap ((Rugosomyces carneus) and both Golden and Butter Waxcaps.