Thursday 31 October 2019

It's here - the Splendid Waxcap

I was starting to fret that it wasn't going to fruit this year but it's back - Hygrocybe splendidissima. The two largest of the four fruiting bodies seem to have been demolished but the distinctive stipe had been left. I also got a strong honey smell this time from the remains, just as Boertmann tells us.

Saturday 19 October 2019

NEW WAXCAP SPECIES!!!! - Blushing Waxcap

A Red Letter Day here with the magnificent Blushing Waxcap (Hygrocybe ovina) appearing on site for the first time. I am surprised to have missed it in the last few days as it was clearly past its best so must have been around for a bit and it is a prominent chunky fungus. Anyway that makes 26 species of Waxcap here (plus a couple of varieties as well). Pretty cool.

Friday 18 October 2019

And another impressive animal....

A European Hornet (Vespa crabro) was in the house recently. I managed a quick photo and then opened the window before it got angry!

Monday 14 October 2019

A handsome beast....

And I think he knows it! We were honoured by the close visit of this Fallow Deer stag today. I think he's on a mission involving fighting and sex.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Exciting return - Lesser Horseshoe Bat

I was pottering in my shed, lights on, noises being made when I looked up and saw a Lesser Horseshoe Bat attached to the ceiling. As I haven't seen one in there for a long while it is an exciting return. I exited quickly to leave it in peace and just sneaked back in for a very quick snap which is shown above. I have noticed a decrease in the number of pipistrelles around so it is good to see the much rarer Lesser Horseshoe is still in the immediate vicinity.

Waxcap #15 - Glutinous Waxcap

Identifiable by its gloopiness particularly on the stipe, the Glutinous Waxcap (Hygrocybe glutinipes) is an occasional sighting here but it's back and provides me with the fifteenth waxcap of the year at The Beeches.