Monday 29 March 2021

New Species - Green Cellar Slug

I turned over a large rock and found these two large slugs underneath. I think they are Green Cellar Slugs (Limacus maculatus) which is a fairly common slug to find here apparently. The blue tentacles distinguish it from the Leopard Slug and lack of a yellow line on the tail from the Yellow Cellar Slug. They like Lichen so that would be a good location for them near an old Moss and Lichen covered wall.

New Species - Redwing

We had a small flock of about a dozen Redwings foraging the the East Field alongs side the usual pair of Mistle Thrushes. I cannot remember seeing one before here so it counts as a new species - my attempt at a photo through the scope didn't work before they cleared off.

Sunday 14 March 2021

New Species - Rough-stalked Feather Moss

Not 100% sure about this ID but a Bryophyte Field Guide has been ordered so hopefully I'll be able to confirm when it arrives. Found on a fallen Beech branch it looks similar but not the same as the Silky Wall Feather Moss that is common on the walls here. Just spotted the capsule (?) at the top of the stalk(?) and it looks right for this species.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

New Species - Wall Screw Moss

I am just starting to get my eye in to notice the different mosses we have here - I am sure there are lots more as well. This one is Wall Screw Moss (Tortula muralis) with its distinctive sporophytes 'like tiny chillies on stalks'.

Saturday 6 March 2021

New Species - Silky Wall Feather Moss

Starting to get to grips with a few of the moss species - this one is Siolky Wall Feather Moss (Homalothecium sericeum) and is very common on the walls here.