Saturday 31 July 2021

Quaking Grass

It doesn't seem to be spreading much but it is hanging on in one spot in the East Field. My favourite grass so it gets another blog entry this year.

Thursday 22 July 2021

Outstanding year for Marbled Whites

Earlier in the year there were not many butterflies. Thirteen species so far so only a few not spotted at all but certainly lesser numbers than in a good year. However this hot spell coinciding with the Marbled Whites flying season coupled with their excellent year last year (and the year before) has led to unprecedented numbers out and about in the fields over the last few weeks. I hope my recent start to cutting has not impacted them. For the moment I am enjoying seeing three or four in an eyeful almost anywhere I go in the fields or garden. Top, top butterfly. (old photo - it's too hot to be chasing them round for a picture).

Wednesday 21 July 2021

The Blusher

I have found it here once before and it is a common enough Amanita but it deserves a post for being a fine looking fungus! This one was at the edge of the West Field directly under the Oak tree

Lesser Horseshoe bat back

Not much bat activity around the house of an evening this year so it is good that our lone Lesser Horseshoe Bat has returned to roost in the shed. This must be a feeding zone for him/her. No photo as I don't want to disturb it further than I did when I went into the shed yesterday.

Monday 19 July 2021

Exciting new orchid on The Narth

Not on my site unfortunately but in someone's garden - a Pyramidal Orchid. They told me they had a Fragrant Orchid in their garden. I had a look and identified it as a Pyramidal Orchid - the first time I have seen this species in the village. That surely demonstrates the value of letting a little of your lawn grow.....

Sunday 18 July 2021

Waxcap #4 for 2021

The last of the three expected early season Waxcaps - the Dingy Waxcap. In the East Field in its usual spot - a very reliable fruiter!

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Waxcap #3 for 2021

As expected the Citrine Waxcap has made an early showing. In both East and West fields at the moment.

Monday 12 July 2021

I'd like them more if they stopped eating orchids

The young fawn skittishly following its mother was nice to watch - if only they would leave the orchids alone......

Saturday 10 July 2021

New Species - Mint Leaf Beetle

I found a small (7-8mm) mettalic green beetle on my shirt and tried to id it. Eventually I decided it was a Mint Leaf Beetle (Chrysolina herbacea) but it didn't seem to have a lot of Welsh records and didn't recollect having any mint. However the id was supported by someone who knows beetles and I found (by smell initially) a large patch of mint just be the house. Case solv-ed.

Monday 5 July 2021

Waxcap #2 for 2021

One of the expected early season waxcaps - the Fibrous Waxcap (Hygrocybe intermedia), loud and proud in the West Field

Thursday 1 July 2021

Local site - big hit of Pyramidal Orchids

Not on The Narth but the closest limestone protected site is Dixton Embankment whcih is just full of Orchids at the moment, not to mention more Marbeled Whites than you can point a stick at and other floral lime specialists such as Yellow Wort. Here's a photo of a whole stack of Pyramidal Orchids.