Thursday 30 September 2021

Waxcap #9 for 2021 - Cedarwood Waxcap

A few around in the West Field.

Waxcap #8 for 2021 - Glutinous Waxcap

Almost camouflaged amongst the many Golden Waxcaps but unmistakably Glutinous Waxcaps (Hygrocybe glutinipes) on close examination - the gloop on the stipe is a giveaway.

Monday 27 September 2021

Great new Species - Mealy Meadowcap

An excellent find in the South Field was a single Mealy Meadowcap (Pseudotricholoma metapodium) another classic unimproved grassland species and one I had not seen anywhere before. I also managed six Waxcap species plus a Crazed Cap and some other species that all together made a good exhibition for the Climate Change Festival in town.

Saturday 25 September 2021

Crazed Cap - West Field

A lot of places are devoid of fungi - in the whole of New Grove today I found just one fungus - a Fibrous Waxcap. Here at The Beeches in contrast I managed six species of Waxcap, a Meadowcap, several species of Pinkgill and a few other fungi including these Crazed Caps. They are a regular here but a damn fine looking fungus hence the photo.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

'New' Species - Beech Milkcap

I actually found this last year and was fairly sure it was Lactarius blennius (Beech Milkcap) but I am happy to confirm this now. Although it looked a little more browny than I expected but everything else checks out for L. blennius and colour can be variable. Importantly it is under Beech and there are no other trees close by.

Friday 17 September 2021

Waxcap #7 for 2021 - Yellow Foot Waxcap

A small group in the West Field. Not only easy to identify because of its yellow 'foot' but also has great gills - gorgeous grey with a hint of lilac.

Thursday 16 September 2021

First Pinkgill of the season - Star Pinkgill

A little past its best but the spores confirm it is a Star Pinkgill (Entoloma conferendum).

Wednesday 15 September 2021

20 Plume Moth

I have recorded this species, Alucita hexadactyla, once before (2015) but I got a much better photo this time that shows the plumes it is named for better. I can also count all twenty this time! This is the only Plume Moth in the Alucitidae family - there are a whole stack of them in the Pterophoridae family. All are Micro Moths.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Waxcap #6 for 2021 - The Pink Waxcap

It's been a while since #5 but the recent rain has encouraged a couple of Pink Waxcaps to emerge in the East Field. There will be plenty more I'm sure as the site regularly produces a lot of this allegedly scarce species. It is scarce in most of Europe but here in the Wye Valley it is fairly frequently seen.