Saturday 30 October 2021

Waxcap #20 - Butter Waxcap

A Butter Waxcap has appeared in the West Field at last and whilst I thought it was overdue I checked and it actually appeared three days later last year. That makes 20 for the year so far - currently missing Pale, Vermillion, Splendid, Crimson, Glistening and Orange. Not sure I amgoing to get more than a couple more at best.

Friday 29 October 2021

Waxcap #19 - Spangle Waxcap

Quite a few fruiting in the East Field - that's one of the 'missing' waxcaps accounted for.

The Weasel returns

No photo but a Weasel was spotted yesterday just by the house, with some prey in its mouth. We get to see one enough to know they must be living on site - we have plenty of places in the stone walls for them to find a den.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Waxcap #18 - Scarlet Waxcap

Suddenly here in large numbers - in the East Field at the moment and I'm sure it will be all around the place shortly.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

New Species - Agaricus comtulus

I found a single Agaricus last year in the East Field but was unsure whether it was A. lutosus or not. This year in the same area there were several and I have had it identified as the similar A. comtulus (No English name). Another good one for The Beeches fungi list.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Waxcap #17 - Earthy Waxcap

Found in the West Field so it is definitely in all three main fungi fields after only appearing two or three years ago. Had me thinking as to what it was but the gill attachment and distinctive smell confirm it as Cuphophyllus fornicatus.

Friday 15 October 2021

Waxcap #16 - Parrot Waxcap

At the top of the West Field for a change. I usually get a lot of this waxcap so its probably the first of many.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Waxcap #15 - Honey Waxcap

Got to be one of the prettiest Waxcaps and with the added bonus of a smell that confirms identity, apart from it being quite distinctive to start with. Three lots of them fruiting close together in the West field - one of them with a couple of bonus tiny yellow spindles.

Saturday 9 October 2021

Waxcap #14 - Blushing Waxcap

Surprisingly I missed this until it was well past its best. However it was easy to identify this distinctive Waxcap that has appeared in the East Field for the last few years. The stipe and gills are unique and the gills (and other parts) stain quickly a vivid red/pink colour.

Thursday 7 October 2021

New Species - Silk Button Gall Wasp

I found an Oak leaf on the ground with the underside covered in little galls that are the sexual stage of the Silk Button Gall Wasp (Neuroterus numismalis). The Wasp remains in the gall over Winter emerging in the Spring.

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Waxcap #13 - Goblet Waxcap

A surprising number of these are fruiting in the West Field - probably about twenty individual specimens in total.

Tuesday 5 October 2021

New Species - King Alfred's Cakes (Daldinia concentrica)

A nice display of this fungus on an Ash stump. Very common but a new one for the list here.

Monday 4 October 2021

Waxcap #12 - Snowy Waxcap

In the South Field a couple of Snowy Waxcaps are fruiting. Despite being a very common Waxcap I don't see a lot of it here.

Waxcap #11 - Slimy Waxcap

I don't think I recorded the Slimy Waxcap last year so it was good to see it back. With all the recent rain it was particulalry slimy as well.

Sunday 3 October 2021