Monday 20 December 2021

Lots of new Fungi Species

Now I have the list through from the Gwent Fungus Group foray I am delighted to see a raft of new species for The Beeches list. These are in addition to those I saw on the day and have already commented on. I would add that the Lepiota ignivolvata identified by me has been confirmed by the County Recorder and it turns out to be the first Gwent or South Wales record. On the list are the following: Stereum hirsutum - Golden Crust Russula ochroleuca - Ochre Brittlegill Tricholoma stiparophyllum - Chemical Knight Tricholoma ustale - Burnt Knight Hebeloma sacchariolens - Sweet Poison Pie Hypoxylon fuscum - Hazel Woundwort Psathyrella conopilus - Conical Brittlestem Rhodocollybia butyracea - Buttercap Rhytisma acerinum - Tar Spot This site has a serious fungi list.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

New Species - Ramalina farinacea - Shaggy Strap Lichen

This piece of Hawthorn twig just keeps giving. I am happy with the id of this third Lichen species as it has these distinctive 'sorella' or little disks on its thin branches.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

New Species - Evernia prunastri - Oakmoss

Another lichen identified (I think) from the same small Hawthorn twig. The distinctive features on this are the flat grey green forked branches with whiter undersides and it's common and looks just like the photos from Google! I'll return to the Hawthorn twig tomorrow.

New Species - Ramalina fastigiata - Dotted Ribbon Lichen

Now the fungi season is over the search for new species has drawn me to Lichens. One piece of Hawthorn branch seems to have several Lichen species and some Mosses too. The first one I feel confident about is Ramalina fastigiata which has distinctive flattened fruits which are a bit of a giveaway. I took the plunge identifying a few Moss species a while back and now I'll try one or two Lichens until my head hurts.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

New Species - Shaggy Parasol

Way past its best but a Parasol on one of the compost heaps was identified as Shaggy Parasol (by the County Recorder so I know it's correct). That takes Parasols to four examples (if you count var Konradii of the Slender Parasol a separate example). We have on site Macrolepiota procera, M. mastoidea, M. mastoidea var konradii and now Chlorophyllum rhacodes (aka Shaggy Parasol.)