Sunday 20 February 2022

New Species - Trumpet Cup Lichen -Cladonia fimbriata

I have restricted myself to looking at Lichen on trees so far just so I don't confuse myself entirely but whilst cleaning the barn gutters I spotted a clump of mossy debris that had some Cladonia type of Lichen growing on them. This is the first such Lichen I have seen so I couldn't resist trying an id. It seems to be straightforwardly Cladonia fimbriata as the shape and size of stem and cup as well as colouring and the soredia all are in accord and the Lichen is common all over the UK. I will continue to resist looking at the Lichens on stones and rocks for the moment until I have recorded what I can from trees and twigs.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

New Species - Parmotrema perlatum

Another Lichen species confirmed after I checked the underside of the lobes to see the tan colour at the edges and also applied some bleach to the medulla check for colour change of which there was none. Prior to those tests it could have been from the Hypotrachyna genus but that would be black underneath to the edges of the lobes and would turn fleetingly red with bleach. Phew - this Lichen stuff is getting difficult.

Sunday 13 February 2022

Short hibernation?

Or possibly hibernation interrupted. I was surprised that the Lesser Horseshoe Bat that frequents our shed was still apparently active in late November but then it disappeared in the last week of that month so I assumed it had gone off to find a hibernation spot. I was even more surprised to find it back on February 9th. It may be that it is hibernating somewhere deeper into the shed and has just reacted to some unseasonably warm weather this winter. It has rather interrupted my plan to clean out the shed. Photo is an old one as I don't want to disturb it unduly.

Friday 11 February 2022

New Species - Candelariella concolor

Another yellowish Lichen which has been confirmed is Candelariella concolor which has been found largely in the South and West but is increasing its range as SO2 pollution declines. It was on Hawthorn.

Thursday 10 February 2022

New Species - Xanthoria parietina (Common Orange Lichen)

I am now ploughing my way through lichen samples on a collection of Hawthorn, Ash and Apple twigs and discovering a whole bunch of new species with the help of the Dobson lichen id book, but some still need confirmation. This is one I am confident of and there is plenty of it around. It is a Foliose lichen with little 'jam tart' like fruits.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Flock of Redwings

I have seen Redwings here before but this morning there was a whole flock in the East Field - around 30 I would say. Also foraging with them a group of Chaffinches - the same lot I guess that are usually on the feeder.