Thursday 30 June 2022

Marsh Bedstraw

I was surprised to find Marsh Bedstraw on the grassy bank by the house some years ago - it is not a wettish area. I have avoided cutting it before it has time to seed and this year I am rewarded with a significant expansion of the area. From a few isolated examples to a nice patch.

Monday 27 June 2022

New Species - Scarlet Tiger Moth

Found on the drive rather than through Moth Trapping (which I hope to organise soon) this is a rather splendid looking Moth whose distribution is South West of the UK and whose habitat is marshy ground and riverbanks. I am not quite sure what it was doing on our drive!

Saturday 25 June 2022

Marbled White back and other butterflies

First one was seen on 21st June and sightings are still occasional at the moment. Meadow Browns are flying in huge numbers. They are enjoying the long grass that has sprung up this year in certain areas of the fields and around the house. I am not quite sure whether the longer grass is a product of the weather or of my cutting regime last year or a combination. I have also seen the first Ringlets which again are looking quite numerous. Photo is an old one of a Meadow Brwon.

Tuesday 21 June 2022

New Pond Update

I'm pleasantly surprised but there seems to be water hanging around to a reasonable depth (as in a few inches) after the rain three days ago. I'd love some more serious rain to see if I can get a serious depth of water in there at which point transpiration via the clay/soil will reduce.

Monday 20 June 2022

On the hunt for the Noble Chafer Beetle

Although I have very little expectation that we will find one. This rare Beetle is being searched for by the Nature Recover Officer of the Wye Valley AONB. She has provided us with a pheremone baited trap that would attract the Nobel Chafer Beetle from 700m or more if they are around. They favour old orchards and ancient trees such as Beeches and Oaks so it is worth a look. They have been found in Herefordshire and Worcestershire so it is worth a go to see if they are around in the AONB. We get the trap for three days and it is hanging in an apple tree central to the site.

Saturday 18 June 2022

Swallows back in the barn!

It's been about six or seven years since we had Swalloows nesting in the barn. The first year they did not reappear to nest on site was a very bad year for Swallows due mostly to weather and we saw no signs of them down on our land. The last couple of years has been better in that we have seen them hawking sometimes over the fields but this year they seem to have gone one step further and they are currently occupying an articiial nest I put up nearly ten years ago that has been unused by Swallows up to now. No photos as I don't want to disturb them yet.

Friday 17 June 2022

Grass Snake RIP

Having been surprised to see a Grass Snake in our top barn I was even more surprised a few days later to find it predated in the field. From the looks of the remains it is about 3 metres long - which is further data that is was the one in the barn. A shame and I'm wondering what would have killed it.

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Grass Snake sighting

This is the third year running that I have seen a Grass Snake on site. In 2020 and 2021 it was on one of the compost heaps which is where you might expect to find a Grass Snake in the summer months, hopefully breeding. This time I found it in the top barn slithering across the concrete floor. I am not sure what it was doing in there - I can only assume it was looking for something to eat.

Sunday 12 June 2022

Orchid update

The Orchid numbers are looking up in recent days although we are still not going to achieve last years huge numbers. As of yesterday we were at 519 Common Spotted Orchids plus 23 of other species (Mostly Broad-leaved Helleborine) giving a total of 542 Orchids so far. This is still 30% below last year's total of 773 but I am now expecting that we will end up over 600. However even at 542 that represents a 74% increase over two years ago so the annual increase from there is looking very positive. Although this may well be the first year that numbers have decreased the addition of the Greater Butterfly Orchid to the species list makes this good year.

Saturday 11 June 2022

First Waxcap of 2022

A little earlier than usual the first Citrine Waxcap has appeared. Relatively hidden by the uncut grass it has obviously been there a while as it is well past its best.

Butterfly Orchid in flower

The new kid on the block is now in flower and this is definitely worth a photo. I am trying to work out what I need to do to pollinate it - generally done by moths with a long proboscis. I am unsure whether I need to go and collect some pollen from an orchid on another site or whether just a transfer between flowers on thsi spike will be OK. Decisions, decisions....