Sunday 30 July 2023

Ferns - #3 - Polypody

This fern grows in the dry stone walls and is uncommon on site compared to some of the larger bipinnate ferns that dominate here. It has pinnate fronds which are close to parallel sided and circular sori.

Friday 28 July 2023

Weasel returns!

No photo as I was too entranced watching a Weasel at close quarters as it ducked in and out of gaps in the low stone wall at the front of the house, presumably looking for Bank Voles who seem to live in the wall or at least use it a lot for moving around. The Weasel is very different to the Stoat once you have seen both close up. The Weasel is smaller with a shorter tail (with no black tip) but both are very sweet looking psychopaths!

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Red-cracking Bolete

I have recorded this attractive Bolete before but it is worth mentioning its location and association. It has apprently been the subject of misidentification. Kibby says 'In Britain it appears to be confined almost entirely to conifer woods although very occasionally it can appear with Fagus'. Laessoe and Petersen however say 'Occurs predominantly with Fagus but also in conifer forests'. Previously I found it in the East field but under Larch, this time in the same field but under Beech. In any case the field characteristics are right so Xerocomellus chrysenteron it is.

Sunday 23 July 2023

New Species - Field Mushroom

Not long after our second Agaricus species we have a third - the Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris). This a common enough mushroom in pastures around here but not seen here by me until today. It doesn't smell of aniseed, doesn't bruise yellow and has crowded pink gills.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

New Hoverfly Species - Glass-winged Syrphus

Believing that four photos (body, wing veins, face and head/thorax junction) would generally get me an identification, I was disappointed to find that the male Hoverfly I photographed yesterday could only be determined if the hairs on the hind femur could be seen. So today I went out and found a female of the same species and that can be separated by the colour of the hind femur - much easier to see! On that basis I can say that this Hoverfly is the Glass-winged Syrphus (Syrphus vitripennis).

Monday 17 July 2023


I came across a Toad today so that make all three of the amphibian species I am likely to see here (Common Frog, Toad and Palmate Newt) in the space of a couple of weeks. Given the state of the ponds I am pleased all three species are hanging on here.

Sunday 16 July 2023

New Species - Tree Wasp (Dolichovespula sylvestris)

I'm sure this has wasp has been around but as this is the first time I have formally identified it it must count as a new species and is the fourth wasp to go on the wasp's list. The other two social wasps I have identified are the Common Wasp and the German Wasp. The nest was at ground level hidden (until I accidentally uncovered it) amongst some brambles and thistles.

Thursday 13 July 2023

Silver-washed Fritillary

I recorded this magnificent butterfly in 2018 and 2020 but not since until yesterday. It is one of the largest UK butterflies and quite a stunning sight. It is a butterfly of Oak Woodlands so its presence is due to the woodland that borders our fields and the large oak trees on site. No photo yesterday so the photo is one from a past record here.

Tuesday 11 July 2023

Ferns (2)

The second Fern to be identified is the Common Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas). This is bipinnate with serrated pinnules, rolling up and shrivelling indusia, there is no black mark where the costa joins the rachis and there are beige stipe scales.

Sunday 9 July 2023

Focus on Ferns

We get a lot of fernage here! I am working on getting rid of the bracken as it becomes so dominant and is always looking to take over the meadows but the other ferns are interesting. I made th mistake of buying a field guide (Britain's Ferns) and that has shown me that id is not as straightforward as I thought so I am going to try and make a fern list fpr the site. First up is Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina). This bipinnate with backward curved pinnules when in full sun, crescent shaped sori and indusia. The backward curving pinnules give the fern a much sparser look when in a sunny spot.

Tuesday 4 July 2023


Not a great year for Butterflies so far but the Marbled Whites are back. Certainly not as many as last year at the moment and yesterday was the first time I saw two together. I couldn't tell whether they are Male and Female but there is a 50/50 chance there was a breeding apir in close proximity. Not many other butterflies except lots and lots of Meadow Browns - swarms of them!