Thursday 31 August 2023

Waxcap #10 - Orange Waxcap

And its classic Orange Waxcap (Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens) - bi-coloured cap and beautiful pale yellow stipe. In the South Field where I have seen this species before.

Monday 28 August 2023

Mealy Meadowcap

THis has been found here once before but this time it is in a different field and is a classic fungi of unimproved grassland so worth another post. It is a chunky unit and is pretty similar in a number of respects as the elusive Black Magic (Dermoloma magicum) which was detected here as part of the eDNA study so I spent a while making sure it was the meadowcap. I would like to find Black Magic but this is still a great find.

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Waxcap #9 - Dingy Waxcap

Now fruiting in both East and West fields. One of my favourite Waxcaps - cruelly named by a fool, The distinctive look, reddening/browning of gills and stipe and chemical smell make identification straightforward.

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Waxcap #8 for 2023 - Glutinous Waxcap

These are usually an occasional species here but I found a few scattered around the East Field. Easy to id because they are simply very gloopy - to the extent of being difficult to hold in the hand.

Sunday 20 August 2023

Waxcap #7 - Yellow Foot Waxcap

In both East and West Fields and there are a number of waxcaps coming through now. The season strated late but is now early - it must be the volumes of rain.

Saturday 19 August 2023

Hornets in the roof

Removing some of the climber as part of the new roof revealed a European Hornet's (Vespa crabro) nest under the soffit board which is good to see as they are a useful insect to have around. What was puzzling was that just over a metre away was a wasps nest also under the soffit board. As I understood it Hornets will prey on wasps and so wasps will avoid building nests close to hornets. Maybe the wasps were there first.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Waxcap #6 - Citrine Waxcap

A little later than usual but there are some Citrine Waxcaps (Hygrocybe citrinovirens) around in the West Field (whcih seems to be seeing most of the fungi action at the moment). The white gills with tinge of lime green are a giveaway.

Monday 14 August 2023

New species - Collared Earth Star

I do not often see Earthstars so I was surprised to find more than a dozen Collared Earthstars (Geastrum triplex) close to where the new hedge had been planted. Whether the spores came in with the hedging, or more likely, fruiting was encouraged by the disturbance of the planting, I can't say. They are often found in drier situations as will occur under a hedge. The genus Geastrum are related to Stinkhorns with a similar 'egg' that develops into the strange fruiting body looking like some alien lifeform.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Waxcap #5 - Vermilion Waxcap

Very pleased to record the Vermilion Waxcap (Hygrocybe miniata) as I don't often see it here. The dry cap covered in tiny scales is a big clue as is the slightly crenulated, narrowly yellow margin.

Waxcap #4 - Spangle Waxcap

Good to catch this Waxcap in the East Field - the red striae on the cap, the viscidity and the darkening at the top of the stipe were the tell-tale signs.

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Waxcap #3 - Blackening Waxcap

A lovely group of a dozen or so Blackening Waxcaps near the barn. I have never seen more than two or three in one place before.

Thursday 3 August 2023

Waxcap #2 for 2023 - Fibrous Waxcap

Always one of the early Waxcaps to appear and it is currently fruiting in the West Field in the part of the field I cut a couple of weeks ago. Unmistakeable with its hairy cap and strong orange colouration and yellow gills.