Wednesday 28 February 2024

Record number of deer

I think we got to 25 Fallow Deer in the garden today. I actually spent some of yesterday constructing a brush fence to protect the dry stone wall that had taken a hit from deer so it was good timing.

Friday 23 February 2024

Scarlet Elfcup

I thought this might be a new species for the site but in fact I recorded it here in 2019 - a striking looking fungus.

Tuesday 20 February 2024


For the second year in a row we have plenty of frogspawn in the main pond even though it barely holds any water. As last year I shall distribute the spawn around the ponds and sinks and hope that increases the survival of tadpoles. Last year one of the sinks did the business but I could see no evidence of tadpoles inthe other places. Given that I know we have some Palmate Newts in the small plastic pond the spawn or tadpoles should at least provide some food for them.

Monday 5 February 2024


They seem to be animals who stumble across food rather than having a plan. Some years they will come across an apple on one of our trees and then strip the lot of that tree without moving on to adjacent trees. Yesterday I found a squirrel munching its way through all the rose hips that I had assumed would be eaten by the birds. It didn't look uncomfortable at all despite the viscious thorns.

Sunday 4 February 2024


I like Moles and I wouldn't wish them any harm but we probably have too many for the good of the flora and fungi in the fields. The South Field has had a poor year for flowers, particularly Orchids and not a great Fungi year either. Given that most of it is now molehills this is not a surpise to me.