Friday 13 September 2024

Waxcap #6 Citrine Waxcap

Quite a few around as usual although this is apparently a rare to occasional Waxcap. I have to look closely to check whether a specimen is a Citrine Waxcap or a more common Persistent Waxcap but a greeny tint to the cap and similar to the whitish gills does distinguish it as the Persistent Waxcap is usually yellow in both cap and gills. Old photo as the fruiting ones today were looking well past their best.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Waxcap#5 - Golden Waxcap

They have been around for a while in ones and twos but are now fruiting in large numbers in the East Field. Probably the most common Waxcap here although the Meadow Waxcap which fruits later has similar numbers.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

White Spindles (Clavaria fragilis)

Several clumps of this fungus in the West Field a couple of weeks ago. The first clavaroid of 2024.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Waxcap #4 Dingy Waxcap

One of my favourites - partly because it's rarely recorded, partly because it is easily identifiable - once you know the key points. Despite looking somewhat similar to some other waxcaps such as Blushing, Earthy and Nitrous. For example it bruises in a unique way going slowly brownish or faintly reddish as opposed to the quick and vivid reddening of the Blushing Waxcap. It also has a chemical smell which distinguishes it from the Earthy Waxcap - which smells earthy! It was in the East field a couple of weeks ago and is newly fruiting in the West field.

Waxcap #3 - Spangle Waxcap

Actually it is the last one I have found but I'll call it #3 for simplicity. Usually one of the earlier ones but not the very early ones so about right for timing this year this is one of the small yellow/reddish ones that can be difficult to identify, The greaseiness of cap and stipe, the darker reddish striations and a darkening of the top of the stipe from yellow to reddish are all signs of Hygrocybe insipida.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Waxcap #2 - Fibrous Waxcap

I've been remiss in logging this year's Waxcaps (apart from the very early Parrot Waxcap way back in April). Here's one that I've seen for a few weeks and I'll log the others shortly. I've seen this in the East Field and in large numbers in the West Field. This one from the West Field shows the distinctive colour and fibrous texture of the cap.