Monday 22 October 2012


The late cutting of the waxcaps field has been unfortunate for this years crop. I was hoping that the cut would be in time for the waxcaps to fruit again but amongst the grass were lots of broken up waxcaps including a pink one, golden ones and scarlet ones as well as meadow waxcaps. I was too late - but without my own machinery there was not much I could do to affect the timing. Interestingly I saw also some Crested Coral (Clavulina coralloides)and a new spindly sort of fungi which was an orange colour. I wasn't sure about the ID as it looked like it might be Golden Spindle except for the colour. The books say that Golden Spindle is a bright yellow but this was definitely orangey. I can also add one new fungi species to the site list - a single example of Liberty Cap (Psilocybe Semilanceata)was found on the newly mown field which had either missed the mower or sprung up afterwards. I apologise for the poor photo but I didn't have a suitable lens with me.

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