Thursday 15 August 2013

Juvenile birds

There are a stack of juvenile birds around at the moment. Hopefully our feeding station has helped with the raising of extra broods this year or at least helped to ensure the survival of more youngsters. We rescued one young blue tit from our boiler flue as it had got a bit too inquisitive and plunged down the whole length of it. A family of seven blue tits arrived on the electricity wire outside the window followed by a juvenile swallow and then a young sparrow - all of them fluffy and new looking. Those birds are all easy to identify as the colouring is similar to the adult birds although I do find that many juvenile birds confuse me momentarily as they don't look quite right at first glance. Pictured is a juvenile green woodpecker. It is unmistakeable as a green woodpecker yet on close examination there are a number of differences to the adult bird, most noticeably the mottled breast.

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