Sunday 26 October 2014

Parrot Waxcaps in profusion

Until yesterday I had only seen a single Parrot Waxcap (Hygrocybe psittacina) on site and that was in 2011. Yesterday I spotted three groups of fungi close together that at first sight looked like three different species. The central group was clearly Parrot Waxcaps, the unique green colouration evident on caps, stems and gills. The left-hand group was basically an orangey colour and the right-hand group a yellowy colour. Closer examination showed them to be all Parrot Waxcaps. I knew that Parrot Waxcaps came in a range of hues aside from showing the green colouration unique amongst waxcaps but had never thought that there would be such a range of colours in fungi so close together. It has been an epic waxcap year so far. The photo is the right-hand yellowy coloured group.

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