Wednesday 4 March 2015

Badger on site

Strangely just a few days after seeing a live badger in the area for the first time and saying I wished to see one here at The Beeches I have found a dead one on my land next to the barn. There are no obvious marks of injury on it so I have no idea what killed it. I have called the Animal and Plant Health Agency who say they will pick up the carcass (they are particularly interested in testing for bovine TB) but there is no sign of them yet. Previously I had suspected badgers were around given some pathways in the fields and little signs of digging but a trail camera left at night only took pictures of foxes. Close up you can see the immense power of badgers feet, claws and teeth. A magnificent British mammal - it's difficult to understand why the government felt justified in killing them over the border in England.

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