Tuesday 30 June 2015

It's wildlife Jim....

...but not as we know it. This year rabbits have become a problem writ large as this picture of early morning on our drive shows. I have been wondering how I am going to deal with the issue for next year and considering several options (short of shooting or trapping). Long-term I'd like to see Lynx back in the UK but meanwhile I am thinking about electric fences, removing areas of bracken and bramble where they hide out/breed and providing set-aside areas that are designed to be particularly attractive to rabbits. I'll have to continue cageing the most precious plants but unfortunately the less precious are being impacted with the current populations. It could be that the dreadful mixamotosis will have its toll as well as I have seen a couple of rabbits with symptoms. Right now I need more foxes and some buzzards to feast on the crowds.

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