Monday 31 August 2015

Waxcaps - the season so far

It seems to have been an early start this year with a number of waxcaps fruiting here before September - we have had Glutinous waxcap (Hygrocybe glutinipes), Butter Waxcap (H. ceracea), Meadow Waxcap var pallida (H. pratense var pallida), Parrot Waxcap (H. psittacina), Fibrous waxcap (H. intermedia) and yesterday Blackening waxcap. There is a lot of debate about the taxonomy of blackening waxcaps with some authors recognising different blackening species and some accepting different varieties. Following Boertmann for the moment this looks like H. conica var conica but I am sure molecular investigation will sort the whole subject out in due course.

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