Wednesday 28 June 2017

Orchid Summary

It looks like it for the orchids this year although I will continue looking to see if I have missed any. The total orchid is 136 spikes which is an increase of just over 10% on last year. That sounds OK but of course last year we had an increase of 95% over the year before that. However whilst the numbers may not have continued on their stellar upward trajectory, in other respects it has been a brilliant year. There has been a continuation of the spread of Common Spotted Orchids into new areas of the fields with a couple of outliers away from the main orchid area in the West Field and continued spread in the other fields. There has been increases in numbers in the East, South and North Fields which more than compensated for a small drop in total numbers of Common Spotteds in the West Field. But most importantly there has been two new Orchid species this year, doubling the species count from two to four. The Heath Spotted Orchid was a surprise but the Bee Orchid was jaw-droppingly surprising. I just can't fathom how it could have lain dormant for so long (we have been here six years and the area in question was clearly kept mown for years before we moved in) or alternatively where the seed could have come from as I know of no Bee Orchids in the area. Anyway - a very good year for Orchids again.

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