Monday 24 June 2019

Orchid update

The caging of orchids has solved the deer problem and the only orchid casualties at the moment are the occasional slug (or similar) damage. Today we actually just passed the orchid total for last year and I am not expecting too many further orchids to appear. Last year we had 221 orchids in total comprised of 204 Common Spotteds, 16 Broad-leaved Helleborines and 1 Heath Spotted. This year to-date we have had 204 Common Spotteds, 17 Broad-leaved Helleborines, 1 Heath Spotted and 1 Twayblade making 223 Orchids in total. Of course they are not the same 204 but most are. The increase of only 1% (so far) compares with a 60% increase last year and a 12% increase the year before. In that sense not a great year but the presence of the Twayblade makes it into a good year for Orchids at The Beeches.

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