Saturday 27 July 2019

Hog #14 released

Named by us as Ginger due to her colouring hog #14 (I think!) was released yesterday. As usual she disappeared pronto once the release pen was opened. Despite our hedgehog facilities (loads of food, plenty of log piles etc) the released hogs always seem to make a quick exit. I can understand that after weeks or sometimes months of treatment they seize the opportunity to get as far away as possible from their 'captors' or perhaps it is a vain attempt to find their home turf again. These are the hogs that cannot be returned from whence they were rescued. Ginger had serious eye trouble likely from some sort of chemical but with the help of an optician she has made a great recovery. Of course whilst they may disappear from our place there has been a huge rise in hog sightings in the village including one from last night near us that was probably Ginger on her escape route. next up we have a mother and four hoglets arring on Tuesday.

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