Saturday 6 June 2020

New Species - Common Bracken Sawfly

I saw this insect settled on a Bracken frond and took some photos without knowing whether it was a Bee, Wasp or Fly. It turns out to be a Sawfly and that is only the second species that I have recorded here (the other being the Giant Wood Wasp - which isn't a wasp!). I'm pretty sure this is a female Common Bracken Sawfly (Strongylogaster multifasciata) although there is a very similar and rarer Sawfly that it is difficult to distinguish. However the colour of the last Abdominal segment and the colour of the hind tibia lead me to the conclusion that I have got it right. I am busy removing Bracken at the moment but I'm sure there will be plenty left for the Sawfly's purposes.

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