Sunday 19 July 2020

Siskin on the feeder

A rare sight here is a Siskin (photo) on the feeder. There has been a good selection of birds using the feeder this year with regular visits from Greenfinches and occasional visits from Bullfinches and a Marsh Tit continues to visit despite the dead one found a while back. There has been a definite increase in usage so that the large feeder gets refilled daily and the RSPB deliver at least 25kg of seed a month plus large bags of peanuts for the nut feeder from time to time. The behaviour between species is interesting. The Greenfinches seem the calmest, just slowly eating seed untroubled by the comings and goings of the numerous tits or other finches. Coal Tits and Goldfinches are quite feisty with their own kind and Sparrows are pretty assertive all round without being too aggressive. Nuthatches can be quite tetchy with any bird in their way and other birds do tend to leave in a hurry when they rock up. The alpha species is the Greater Spotted Woodpecker and its arrival can lead to a scattering of the smaller birds.

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