Monday 26 April 2021

Common Spotted Orchids 2021

There is definitely an increase in Common Spotted Orchid rosettes at this point - a huge increase in the South Field and increases in the other fields too. Last year we had 146 rosettes showing by 26 April - this year it is 256. However I am not expecting a 75% increase in Orchids overall or anything close to that. First of all 75 of the 109 increase is in the South Field where the number at this stage has gone from 19 rosettes to 94 rosettes this year. Increases in the other fields are much more modest. Secondly the extended dry spell may be preventing further plants from coming up this year. Thirdly there is no reason to expect a similar increase in Broad Leaved Helleborines. Why the South Field has more than four times as many rosettes showing as last year I have absolutely no idea!

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