Saturday 29 May 2021

Common Spotted Orchids @ 28th May

I keep a record of the number of Common Spotted Orchid rosettes counted as at 28th May and this year it is a whopping 442 compared with 208 in 2020 and 67 in 2019. However the overall increase in Orchids (including a few Helleborines and the two Twayblades) over the final figure last year is 44% rather than the 113% as at 28th May. What is certainly true is that the dry weather and the underlying trend to less volumes of grass each year has meant that a much higher proportion of the orchid rosettes have been seen by now. I suspect the overall increase in Orchids will turn out in the range 50% to 60% rather than 100%+. Still 50% to 60% is a very healthy increase. I'll take that.

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