Monday 29 November 2021

Fungi Summary 2021

Overall it's been a good year for fungi here - in particular the number of new species which excitingly were augmented by an Earthongue and a Caterpillarclub at the GFG foray here on 7th November. As regards Waxcaps we ended up with 23 species which compares with 24 last year. We missed seeing Vermillion, Pale, Glistening and Orange this year. There was a great crop of Pinkgills but my id skills mean I didn't id them all. A notable new Pinkgill was the Shield Pinkgill (Entoloma clypeatum). Another new Spring species was the Spring Fieldcap (Agrocybe praecox). Also new is the Fiery Milkcap (Lactarius pyrogallus)and Beech Milkcap (although that was seen previously but not formally identified) and Agaricus Comtulus of which I saw a single example last year but which was positively identified this year. One of the best new species was the Mealy Meadowcap (Pseudotricholoma metapodium), a single example of which appeared in the South Field in September. The photo is the Mealy Meadowcap.

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