Sunday 4 September 2022

At last - a fruiting fungus

Not a new species but one that I have to check carefully. I am happy that this is Red-cracking Bolete (Xerocomellus chrysenteron) although there is some confusion with regard to Xerocomellus cisaplinus which is similar. Basically there only used to be X. chrysenteron and then it was decided that most of the specimens identified as such were really X. cisalpinus. Kibby says that X. chrysenteron 'appears to be confined almost entirely to coniferous woods although very occasionally it can appear with Fagus'. Just to confuse matters even further , the name Red cracking Bolete should really be for X. cisalpinus but I follow the BMS naming system which maintains the name for X. chrysenteron. Not only that but the fungus has moved genus from Boletus to Xerocomus to Xerocomellus in recent years. Anyway all the indications say may id is right (and it was under Fagus) and the spores confirm it.

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