Wednesday 28 December 2022

eDNA results - Earthtongues

Actually perhaps even more surprising than the very surprising Clavaroid results of the eDNA survey of the fields here were the Earthtongues. Previously a single Earthtongue had been recorded here. That was last year on the Gwent Fungi Group foray here when a single Hairy Earthtongue (Trichoglossum hirsutum) was found. The eDNA survey recorded five species of Earthtongue Geoglossum aff simile - has been recorded in UK Glutinoglossum pseudoglutinosum - note that this has been found in the UK as a fruiting body Hemileucoglossum aff alveolatum - has been recorded in Europe Trichoglossum aff. variabile - has been recorded in UK , morphologically very similar to T. hirsutum (chance our record here was misidentified??) Trichoglossum walteri (Short-spored Earthtongue) - there are a number of records in the UK including in our area but still a rare fungus. Also described as very similar to T hirsutum. So five rare Earthtongues one of which has been recorded in Europe, the others occasionally in the UK. I simply don't know what to make of it except to say that DNA studies are going to play havoc with species and records! Photo of the T. hirsutum or was it T. variable or T. walteri from 2021??

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