Friday 1 September 2023

Butterfly Summary

Another not very good year for Butterflies which seem to be on a general decline. To date I've seen 15 species this year and there is still a chance of a late addition such as a Painted Lady. In 2014 I had recorded 20 species by the end of August and added Painted Lady in September. In terms of quantities the big winners are Holly Blues and Red Admirals and I have certainly seen more of both these species this year than everbefore, lots more of both. There have been more Peacocks this year than in the last few years but they are not back to the numbers of 10 years ago. Other than that most species are down in number though there are still I hope enough Common Blues and Marbled Whites to keep the site viable. Also great to see the single Silver-washed Fritillary - a magnificent butterfly. Photo is one of the many Red Admirals.

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