Sunday 6 October 2013

Waxcap heaven

At last the waxcaps have appeared in the 'waxcap' field and in some profusion although the set of species is not the same as when I was lasy able to record them in detail in 2011. In fact I am struggling with some of the identification and await the only UK book on waxcaps which I have just ordered. There are also more waxcaps in the other field where they have appeared this year. In that field I have seen Meadow Waxcap (Hygrocybe pratensis) and what must be Snowy Waxcap (Hygrocybe virginea) to add to the species already seen there. In the main waxcap field there are a couple of the iconic Pink Waxcaps (Hygrocybe calytriformis)and swathes of other waxcaps including H. chlorophana (Golden Waxcap) and H. ceracea (Butter Waxcap) plus others I am still working on. The picture is of H. calyptriformis.

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