Friday 18 July 2014

New species - Labrynth Spider

I usually don't even bother attempting the difficult task of trying to identify spiders but there was an extraordinary web in the grass of the meadows so I thought I would see if it belonged to any particular species. The web was a thick spiral funnel at pretty much ground level with a looser superstructure above it. A large spider sat in the mouth of the funnel and retreated into it when I made my presence felt. On checking with my spider book it seems there is only one species that builds this sort of structure in Britain and the description of the spider matches as well so I am confident this is the Labrynth Spider (Agelena labrynthica). The funnel structure is built after mating and the egg sac is suspended deep in the labrynth where the female stays until she dies. The phot doesn't do justice to the structure but it wasn't possible to get a clearer shot without disturbing the whole edifice.

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