Sunday 15 May 2016

Corvid mayhem

I was woken up by extreme crow noise and staggering to the window I could see five crows all giving it some, right below me. The noise turned into a fight between two of the the crows (the males?) whilst the the other three were close spectators. At one point two of the 'spectators' turned and swooped on some rabbits who made a hasty exit into the undergrowth. The fight looked really vicious with wings spread and beaks in action and I feared a fatality but after a little while it ended and all five birds flew off. A little while later the resident pair of crows were visible doing exactly what they normally do hopping around in the the field and in the garden picking out nice things to eat. I can only assume that this was a territorial challenge which was seen off but that is guesswork really. I certainly see our crows defending against buzzards and other birds of prey so I think this was more of the same. The photo shows the crows an hour or so after the fight.

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