Saturday 19 August 2017

Could it be waxcap #23?

I have recorded 22 waxcap species* here (which under Wald and Vesterholt's criteria would make it a site of international importance for grassland fungi!) and a possible but unlikely 23rd of Orange Waxcap (Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens) which I think was a misidentification on my part. Now I have another possible but unconfirmed 23rd when I came across what might be Gloioanthomyces vitellinus (no English name) but then again might not be. It certainly looks different to any thing I have seen here with a very long stipe but it is partly eaten away so I can't be sure of the id. * I am counting the Pale Waxcap (Cuphophyllus pratensis, formerly Hygrocybe pratensis var pallida) as a species which technically it is not anymore.

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