Monday 21 August 2017

New fungi species - Leotia viscosa

I have a new ascomycetes species fruiting in some profusion close to some trees in the large field. The first one I found I identified as Leotia lubrica known as Jellybabies. However a closer look revealed some very similar fungi but with dark green caps. This appeared to be Leotia viscosa (English name Chickenlips) but I think the whole taxonomy is in doubt. Is Lubrica one, two or three species is the question. A website sums it up "These three species also overlap morphologically and many intermediate forms can be found. Apparently Leotia is due for a major shake-up sometime in the near future. It is impossible to say whether the result will be the three species are combined into one morphologically diverse species or they will be divided into numerous morphologically indistinguishable species." I show photos of the two differently coloured fungi. Of course it could be that I have Leotia viscosa and the brownish ones are dried out or mature green ones. Who knows?

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