Wednesday 26 September 2018

And still they keep coming..

More Waxcap species around including most recently, the Pale Waxcap (not really a separate species as it has the same specific name as the Meadow Waxcap even though it seems quite different to me!), the Dingy Waxcap and the Earthy Waxcap. Both these last two species seem to be thriving here which is great as neither is commonly found. That makes 17 species for 2018 so far (or 16 if you are a stickler about the Pale Waxcap). Still no sign of the large red species, the common Scarlet Waxcap which is usually here in big numbers, or the Crimson or Splendid Waxcaps which have each only appeared at one place and even then only in the last few years. Pictures is the Earthy Waxcap (Cuphophyllus fornicatus).

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