Wednesday 19 September 2018

Waxcaps #9 to #13?

Just one small area of the West Field has become full of waxcaps suddenly. I spotted my first Pink Waxcap of the season two days ago, first, but walking up the field a bit further came across a great find, a few Orange Waxcaps (Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens). When I went back to take some photographs yesterday I found in the same area some Yellow Foot Waxcaps (Cuphophyllus flavipes) - already recorded this year -, a group of Honey Waxcaps (Hygrocybe reidii), a few Goblet Waxcaps (Hygrocybe cantharellus) and a probable (hence the '?') Gioixanthomyces vitellinus) but the last was a bit far gone to be absolutely sure. Why this one area is so diverse in waxcaps and indeed was surrounded by hundreds of Fibrous and lots of Citrine waxcaps as well, I have no idea. It must be the specific conditions that have affected this patch this year. Illustrated in the brilliant Orange Waxcap, a species I rarely see.

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