Tuesday 9 April 2019

Early Spring Flowers

The usual array of early spring flowers are out and the list includes the ubiquitous Lesser Celandine, the widespread Slender Speedwell, a smattering of dandelions and the well distributed Common Dog Violets. In addition we have the earliest Cowslips, Bluebells and Cuckoo Flowers just showing some colour. In the wooded areas there are plentiful Wood Anemones, some of which have spread out into the fields. In the garden areas but also in some fields are significant patches of Barren Strawberry. Among the probably planted species are Lungwort and the now disappeared Snowdrops as well as the Wild Daffodils that I introduced a few years back. And then we have one delightful patch of Primroses that have made a home on one steep grassy bank and seem to be spreading slowly at that location

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