Monday 29 April 2019

Recent sightings

No photos unfortunately but I have now definitely seen a Red Kite overhead. There has been one about 2 miles South West for a couple of years but now one has been circling here. I thought I saw one a couple of times but couldn't get the binos on it to confirm, then last week some builders working at the top of the street got some video of one and then two days ago I saw one just outside the village at closer quarters. I also had a close encounter with a Weasel yesterday, right be the new dry stone wall that I thought might be attractive to them. I heard a rustle and saw some movement in a small nettle patch by the wall and kept still. A few seconds later this head popped out of the nettles and eyed me up from about six feet away. After a little while it dived back into the undergrowth.

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