Wednesday 14 June 2023

Flower Year so far

A mixed year - some great aspects such as the two Greater Butterfly Orchids and the Southern Marsh Orchid but some of the fields are looking a little forlorn due to dry weather and the rabbit apocalypse that is devouring much of what does grow. There is for example a huge difference in length of sward and number and varity of flora (and inverterbrates) in the test cage that excludes both rabbits and deer. However the West Field is doing OK (see photo above). As a summary it's been a great year for first Bluebells and then Meadow Buttercup and also Bird's Foot Trefoil so a good number of Common Blue Butterflies around. But not a good year for much else so far, although the Common Spotted Orchid situation is very good in parts but it's a complicated story so I'll deal with that in a separate post. We've also got the exciting new species in Fairy Flax. A little rain would be helpful right now......

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