Friday 23 June 2023

Orchid summary

There aren't many coming through now - the whole season is early presumably because of the hot weather/lack of rain. So now is a good moment to summarise the season. The good news is that despite the unpromising looking start there is a significant increase in total orchid numbers over last year, 15% up at the moment 937 orchids vs 812 last year. That was helped by the deer and rabbit proof test cage that allowed 178 Common Spotted Orchids to flower in one 10mx5m area lifting the number of orchids in the East Field from 247 to 319. There was also an solid increase in the West and North Fields (429 to 504 and 49 to 70 respectively). On the negative side the South Field continued its decline in orchid numbers - 123 two years ago, down to 76 last year and this year just 23. I'm thinking rabbits are a factor here. Also the number of Broad-leaved Helleborines continues to decline in the West Field - 37 two years ago 26 last year and only 15 (so far) this year. There has been an increase in B-l H's elswhere - a couple have appeared below the South Field on the bank and three appeared in the drive but did not survive rabbits. To finish on another positive note there has been a 100% increase in the magnificent Greater Butterfly Orchids - from one to two and the appearance of an orchid that has been classified as a Southern Marsh Orchid (although it probably had some other genes in it too). All in all I'll take that for an orchid season and maybe weather permitting and with at least one more cage we'll hit 1000 orchids next year.

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