Sunday 15 September 2013

New Waxcap Species - Hygrocybe citrinovirens

The waxcap discoveries continue. I suspected one of the examples I found a few days ago was H. citrinovirens but I was working from cut up pieces. I found a couple of fungi in situ and I am pretty sure these at least are citrinovirens. The cap and stem were non-slimy, the gills were bright white and most importantly google images is showing me something that looks identical. Note added: 6 October - having received the only book on Waxcaps I can find I am starting to have some doubts about this ID. It is described as rare and the pictures in the Boertmann book don't look like these examples. However citrinovirens has been found in the area so I'll just have to get an expert opinion at some point.

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