Wednesday 4 September 2013

Waxcaps in a new place

I have been waiting for the waxcaps to appear in the field that has put on such a good waxcap show in the last couple of years but nothing so far. Meanwhile two species of waxcap have appeared in a field where I had not seen them previously. They are the Blackening Waxcap (Hygrocybe nigrescens) and the Butter Waxcap (Hygrocybe ceracea) neither of which had I definitely identified from the 'waxcap' field. I am wondering whether the appearance is due to the timing of the cutting of the hay in that field (it was done relatively early in mid July) or whether I just hadn't spotted them in previous years when the grass was longer at this point. I am still waiting anxiously for the normal waxcap field to deliver. Pictured is the Butter Waxcap.

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