Monday 22 September 2014

Not a good place to sleep......

I came back from a week's holiday yesterday, opened the garage doors and a pile of bats (well five) fell out. The foolish pippistrelles had decided that the gap between the doors was an attractive roost. I have ordered a batbox to put up on the garage and hope it arrives before I have to open the garage doors again. I'll then open the doors at night and hope they find the handy new purpose built roost. It may well be that they have already vacated given the rude awakening. Two of the bats regained their place on the door which I then closed very carefully. One flew off imnmediately and two sat on the ground for a few minutes. When I went in to get something to move them safely back to the doors they disappeared. I assume they also went back into the roost but in any case there are plenty of little gaps and spaces for bats all over the garage so I am sure they are fine. I managed a quick ID shot when they first sat on the ground. I think they are soprano pips (Pipistrellus pigmaeus) as they are the ones that are always around according to my bat detector.

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